Donate to the Living Treasures Project
Detail from a piece by Henry Lin
Your help is important.
As you might imagine, fundraising for professionally-made videos is a challenge for an all-volunteer organization like Northwest Designer Craftartists. We hope that you will consider a gift to provide momentum for further fundraising for the Lloyd Herman video, and perhaps for those we hope to produce in the future. We will acknowledge every donor in some way, either on a video, or in related publications.
Copies of all videos are placed in the archives of the University of Washington, and those of the Smithsonian Institution. They are also distributed to local public and college libraries. The public will be able to view each new documentary at a special presentation, and on the Northwest Designer Craftartists website and YouTube. Fidget Films has a working relationship with KCTS Channel 9 and The Seattle Channel, and ensuring that the newest Living Treasures videos will be shown by both venues. Whether you are an individual or a group, a gift to the Living Treasures Project will help to further promote the rich diversity of fine crafts from the Pacific Northwest to local and national audiences.
Thank you so much for considering a donation to this important project!
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