Detail from “Abyss” by Inge Roberts
Use this page to sign in to your NWDC account via the form below.
From your account you can:
Renew your membership. Rest assured no credit card data is ever stored on our site. It is securely transferred with 256-bit encryption to our payment processing site.
Update your contact information & password. If your email, home address, phone number, etc., changes, please update by going to your profile page though this secure portal.
Upload your images, statement, links to social media. Please pay attention to the options for allowing your personal information to be public or private.
Email other NWDC members from their profile
If you forget to renew or your membership is inactive, your profile is still saved in our records. It's just suppressed, and will not be listed in the public directory until you've renewed your membership.
Oops, I Accidentally Unsubscribed! What Do I Do? If you accidentally unsubscribe yourself, or you suspect that a recipient of a forwarded message may have unwittingly unsubscribed you, please fill in and submit this brief form, and you will be re-subscribed.
Please Note: If you are using Safari or Chrome as your browser, please do not request a password reset if you have trouble logging in. You may need to open our website in a “Private Window” to be successful. This has to do with the way these browsers cache data.