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NWDC Member Artist Talk: Kathy Ross: Serious Fun

NWDC Member Artist Talk Kathy Ross: Serious Fun

Sunday, March 23, 2025 | 3 to 4:15 PM
Presented on ZOOM

Recording of (standing-room-only) artist talk from Kathy Ross’ solo show, Serious Fun at BIMA March — May 2024.


Over the top and under the surface. No One is an island. Art is a free zone. Musical chairs game needs enough chairs. Some of us want peaches (breasts) so much; some of us want them so little. Shut the fuck up: the soundscape is a commons. The world is scary but beautiful. — Kathy Ross

Featuring: trees, fire, war, clouds, peaches, birds, islands, making a living, villages, globes, dragons, and clothing labels. 

Bio: Sculpture has always been Kathy Ross’ main interest since discovering the 3-d world at age 18, carving a bar of ivory soap with a nail file. She has managed to be self-supporting and self-employed since 1978, always by making something you could loosely call art. Kathy Ross has exhibited and sold in galleries, museums, shops, art festivals, retail, wholesale, online, and offline.

Visit for her monthly email newsletter.

NWDC’s Mission is to educate the public about Craft.  It is also our intention for members to know each other – to have community. Our Zoom Artist Talks address both of these purposes. The Zoom talks grew out of a tradition from in-person meetings where members presented their life story and their work. It was a way to share with each other and to get to know each other in depth.  A strong Crafts community is essential to promoting Craft in our wider culture. 

When the talks moved to Zoom during the pandemic, we immediately saw a new advantage:  far-away members could participate in real-time, the public could tune in, and we could make a permanent record of the talks on YouTube.

The support team for the Zoom talks include Executive Director Daniel Wallace, President Nancy Loorem Adams, Katherine Lewis, Lois Harbaugh, and Denise Snyder.

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