Member Artist Interviews
Detail from a piece by Anne Niles Davenport

Gabriela Nirino
We are pleased to share the art and ideas of Gabriela Nirino in the fifth installment of the NWDC Member Artist Interviews series. Gabi writes this about herself and her process, “I am a weaver. The first thing I think about when I find something new is whether it can become yarn or be woven. Weaving opens up the possibility of building a small world out of almost nothing, making order out of chaos. It is to interrelate and connect: materials, people, and ideas.”

Denise Snyder
We are pleased to share the art and ideas of Denise Snyder in the fourth installment of the NWDC Artist Interview series. Denise lives in Bellingham with her husband Brett Baunton, a landscape photographer. At Western Washington University, she studied environmental science, a natural focus for her love of nature and desire to protect it.

Jill Nordfors Clark
NWDC is thrilled to showcase Jill Nordfors Clark for October's NWDC Artist Interview. Jill Nordfors Clark has been a leading writer, lecturer, and teacher on needle lace for more than 40 years. This experience, combined with her love of natural materials and environments, inspired her to move from two-dimensional embroidered lace to three-dimensional sculptural baskets — her current medium of choice.